River Grove Lions Club: Approved $15K for Veterans Memorial; S&L profit $17,771.86; membership steady at 91; new event ideas discussed; donations and scholarships ongoing.
September 18, 2024
River Grove Lions Club American Legion Recreational Hall Call to Order: 7:00 pm
Attendance: Jack, Lisa, Ralph, Marcelo, Rob, Joe P., Kurt, Dave K., Kristy, Sean, Terry, and JR
Recording Secretary Minutes: Approval of previous meeting minutes - Motion by Lisa and 2nd by Sean - All in favor
Club Secretary Report: Lion Lisa
Annual donations submitted for approval:
Purchase pumpkins (300) for Trunk or Treat = $300
Food Pantry = $400
Trunk or Treat volunteers needed – will bring up again at the next meeting (River Front Park = 10:00 – 11:30 am)
RGLC invited to pass out treats at Boo Fest (Westdale Park 6:00 - 9:00 pm)
Camp Lions thank you card from campers – this will be displayed on our website and Facebook
RGLC received acknowledgement patches to be placed on our club flag: Sight & Sound Sweepstakes / District Patch
Treasurer Report: Lion Kristy
General: $40,179.05
Humanitarian: $2,721.62
Dues Paid:
International: $2,150
District: $616
Discrepancy in dues – their report shows more members than we actually have, and we only paid for current active members. This will be brought up again once the next dues invoice is sent in January. We will address at that time.
Checks pending:
Grand Eye Care – check mailed, hasn’t been cashed as of today.
Kurt Kuras requested checks for River Grove School & Rhodes School running clubs: $1,000 each (motioned by Dave K. to include as annual approved donation – once approved, this will be added to our annual donation calendar), seconded by Kristy. All in favor. 2
Veterans Memorial donation requested in the amount of $15,000 – motioned by Brent and seconded by Lisa – All in favor
The Veterans Memorial fund is on a timeline to raise monies, but the club talked of having a matching fundraiser as an incentive to others that the RGLC will match donations up to $15,000. This fundraiser can be done anytime, as we are already giving the $15,000 regardless of how much is raised outside.
Review of the S&L finance report (attached):
Amount collected: $51 259.85
Paid out: $33,487.89
Profit total: $17,771.86
Park maintenance: $10,000
Total: $7,771.86 ($2,000 less than last year)
Discussion on whether this event is worth the time and money combined with our other money requests… dues, raffle tickets, S&L, etc. All members will present proposals on possible alternative events to possibly replace raffle tickets, etc. We may want to lower the price per ticket as well as the grand prize, or alternate years. Absolutely gambling activity. Jack attended a very successful Vegas night, and this could be a great possibility. Many ideas introduced. This will be revisited after the holidays. Stay tuned and please bring your ideas.
Membership Report: Lion Ralph
Total membership holding steady at 91 members. Discussion of generating a little more energy from members who we don’t see regularly. Ralph plans to reach out to those who don’t attend our dinner meetings and try to get them out. Stress the socialization aspect of these dinners to mingle and get to know our fellow members. Always looking to recruit new members. October dinner is usually our “bring a potential new member”. Ralph asking board, when possible, to get out there and spread the word.
IT Report: Lion Dave K.
Dominik (website guy) contract expires in January 2025 and board will discuss renewal after the holidays. Lisa will check in with Dominik on renewal cost. So far he has complied with our posting requests in a timely manner and website is up to date and looks good.
Humanitarian Report: Lion Marcelo
Marcelo received a request from a River Grove resident who reached out again after two years to update their glasses prescription. The club isn’t sure on the protocol of a resident reaching out twice for assistance. The bylaws will be reviewed, and this will be revisited again at the next meeting. In the meantime, Marcelo will contact VOICES to see if they can offset some of the cost for the eye examination and new glasses. Kristy suggested 3 this resident can also reach out to various programs that assist seniors as well as possible benefits available through their village. She will share contact info with Marcelo.
Marcelo and Ralph setting up a road trip to DeKalb to drop off over 5,000 pairs of glasses and five crates of cell phones. Woo hoo RGLC!
School Report: Lion Kurt
Scholarship time and the first deadline for submission is September 27th. Two seniors have inquired, however no applications have been received. Hoping potential candidates will show up at the Trunk or Treat event. Update to follow next month.
District Report: Lion Harold
Candy Day Jamboree – September Marionette Park, 98 lions in attendance. This was Ralph’s last appearance, as his Foundation Trusteeship has come to an end… and he is very happy. The numbers were fair, as a few thousand was raised. Candy Day is scheduled for next month, October.
District Christmas party – December TBD
LCI Convention (Westin Hotel, Itasca) – March 2025 – the theme this year is the Magic of Disney (first convention meeting scheduled in the next few weeks)
Old Business:
Terry Muellner questioned if the club has a PA system. It was confirmed we do and will be used at future dinner meetings. Also, the pink pig is full and what to do with the funds collected. Terry will bring to the next meeting, it will be counted and Terry will approve on the monies final destination.
New Business: Sean Flynn - RGLC signage needs to be replaced… they are old and worn out. New signs had been ordered and not sure if they have been put up around town. Will confirm with Brent.
Terry Muellner - Additional information was requested on the RGLC bench at the Veterans Memorial park. Will reach out to Mike Warchol or Jonathan on next steps.
JR – Legacy bricks as a fundraiser for the Sensory Path. He will follow up with Brent as he had introduced this during the construction as few years ago (legacy bricks and benches). This will wait until after the Veterans Memorial is completed.
Dave K. has two gift certificates ($25 each) from Gianni’s Ristorante and Pizzeria in Franklin Park to be raffled at the October dinner meeting at the Homestretch.
Motion by Dave K. to recognize our first responders at the next September 2025 dinner meeting. Seconded by Lisa. 4
President’s Report: Lion Jack
Jack wanted to share his Honor Flight weekend – from start to finish this was an extremely emotional and overwhelming, fantastic trip. Departing and arriving, the great outpour of friends and family who showed up for all the veterans was a sight to be seen. Also greeted by the motorcycle brigade as these guys just hang out waiting to welcome home those who participated in the weekend. This memory will be with him forever.
Jack has also been asked by Representative Delia Ramirez to be part of a selection committee. They have already had their first meeting in response to candidates (12) in need of letters of recommendation to Annapolis or Westpoint Academy. Jack will be working with other veterans on composing questionnaires and interviewing these candidates. She couldn’t have picked a better man. We are extremely proud of our Lion Jack Ross.
Motion to Adjourn: Lisa and seconded Kristy – All in favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm